
The Geri-Fit Program | Senior Fitness

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans making senior fitness a necessity. At Renaissance Villages, we believe it is imperative to provide seniors with the resources needed to strengthen their bodies. In addition, maintain as much independence as possible.

Here at Renaissance Villages, we’re dedicated to addressing this issue for residents through senior fitness and our trusted partnership with Geri-Fit. We are proud to be the first licensed Geri-Fit program in Southern California. We offer three classes each week to keep our residents as safe and mobile as possible. Also, promote overall well-being.

What is Geri-Fit?

Geri-Fit is a strength training program for older adults, specifically tailored for men and women. This senior fitness program is for all ages and fitness levels. Each class takes about 45 minutes and residents can work their way through this exercise class from the comfort of a chair. Classes are led by a Geri-Fit licensed instructor, who provides one-on-one help to participants. In addition, residents work out with stretch bands and free weights of many sizes.

In each class, residents work at regaining strength that’s been lost through the aging process. Most noteworthy, increasing their balance, which aids in fall prevention. As seniors increase their strength and endurance, they are able to move onto heavier weights to continue strength building.

Regaining Independence with Geri-Fit

Many see the Geri-Fit program as the Fountain of Youth, allowing participants to turn back the clock as they improve their health and feel young again. This resistance exercise program helps improve balance and functional capacity, which allows residents to walk around more freely.

We have seen great success in residents who actively participate in Geri-Fit program. In addition, we’ve seen residents go from wheelchair to walker to cane over time.

We encourage all of our residents to participate in Geri-Fit classes in order to build up their strength and balance and maintain as much independence as possible. Overall, we want to empower them to be able to walk around without the fear of falling.

Lastly, if you would like to join a Geri-Fit class, visit our community in Murrieta or contact us today.

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